Oppidum Závist in the 21st Century

Funding Period: 2022-2024
LEad: Dr. Till Sonnemann, Dr. Katja Kothieringer, Daniel Bursák
Funding Body: BTHA (Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur)
The project of interdisciplinary research of the fortified hilltop settlement (oppidum) of Hradiště nad Závistí (Závist for short, also known as Lhota-Točná) in the Prague-West district of the Czech Republic and its surroundings, which started in October 2022, will be carried out together with Dr. Katja Kothieringer of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, as well as the leader of the Czech subproject Daniel Bursák of the Charles-University Prague and the Archaeological Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. It serves both the processing and interpretation of old excavation data and the acquisition of new geophysical and geoarchaeological data. Organizationally, the project is designed to bring together researchers and students from two countries, to exchange methodological knowledge, and to work together on high-quality publications and presentations. In the long term, the establishment of an international archaeological research and teaching center on the topic is planned.