Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

Workshop presentations on generative AI, augmented reality, image forensics and research data platforms

As part of the TRAnsDigital workshop taking place at the Digital Hub Bonn, the BCDH and the Open Museum Project will hold two presentations and workshops on Friday, April 26, 2024. The first, by Prof. Dr. Birgit Mersmann (Kunsthistorisches Institut) and Dr. Matthias Lang (BCDH), will take place from 10:00 - 11:20 a.m. and is entitled "Authenticity on the Test Bench. Generative AI, Extended Reality and Image Forensics in the Image and Object Sciences".
    The second presentation and workshop will be held by Prof. Dr. Karoline Noack (Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology and head of the Open Museum Project), accompanied by Dr. des. Carlos Pallan Gayol (BCDH, Open Museum) and Edouard Grigowski (BCDH, Open Museum) will take place from 11:45 - 12:45 and is entitled "Versatile research data platforms for university collections - A basis for integrated, sustainable and transdisciplinary research in the digital age?"
    The TRAns Digital Workshop is organized by three different Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRA  Present Pasts, TRA Sustainable Futures and TRA Individuals and Societies) and will take place at the Digital Hub (Am Hauptbahnhof 6 | 53111 Bonn). You can find more information about the event on the official website here: Registration for 'TRAns Digital' (April 26, 2024) - University of Bonn (uni-bonn.de)

Registration for 'TRAns Digital' (April 26, 2024) — University of Bonn (uni-bonn.de)

New Article regarding the Archaeology of Helorus, Sicily

Re-interpreting the Urban Layout of a Complex Greek Settlement in Sicily using Proximal Sensing and Data Fusion

A newly discovered walled enclosure of the Mongol Empire period in the Orkhon Valley, Mongolia

For the first time, a Mongol-era walled enclosure was discovered on the right, eastern bank of the Orkhon in Arkhangai aimag. Its documentation was carried out with a fixed-wing eBee X drone. The design of the settlement, comparative examples and artifacts are briefly described. It was only used during the 13th/14th century CE and testifies to the intensive development of the Orkhon Valley during the Mongol Empire.

Overview of Novel 3D Documentation Methods and Standards for Archaeological Artifacts and Architecture

The December 7th conference, part of the "Dialogues in Pleistocene Archaeology" series in connection with N4DI4Objects, will be held at the Monrepos Archaeological Research Centre. Carlos Pallan and Philippe Kluge from the Bonn Center for Digital Humanities will present their work from various archaeological sites in Mesoamerica, Europe, and Egypt. They will focus on advanced techniques for documenting artifacts and architecture, using technologies such as 3D Photogrammetry, Structure-from-Motion (SfM), Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), and Structured-Light Optical Scanning. The conference will delve into the integration of 3D models and data in fields like Museology, Classic Archaeology, Digital Epigraphy and Egyptology, highlighting the challenges and advancements in researching cultural heritage today.

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