Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

Open Museum in the 14th Annual Meeting for University Collections 2023

In the 14th Annual Meeting for University Collections, entitled "Collections in Motion: Opportunities and Challenges of  Analog and Digital Migrations", Edouard Grigowski and Carlos Pallan Gayol from the Open Museum Project and BCDH showcased novel modalities for digital presentation of museum exhibits, as well as state-of-the-art database migration and content management solutions through two engaging sessions, consisting of an interactive presentation and a workshop. Open Museum is part of the University of Bonn's Transdisciplinary Research Area "Present Pasts".

VR as an application for Inclusion at the Fair of Opportunities

Philippe Kluge at the Diversity Days, May 23rd 2023

BCDH-Talk at the Université autonome de Quisqueya en Haïti (virtually)

Lecture by PD Dr Till Sonnemann at the invitation of the BCDSS (Dr Alexa Voss)


  • Brève introduction au patrimoine numérique
  • Modèle de la Plantation Coloniale de Dion (de Philippe Kluge)
  • Traitement photogrammétrique d'un objet par Metashape (de Dr. Matthias Lang)
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